Jag har tidigare definierat kommunikation som en handling som syftar till att uppnå en önskvärd effekt/reaktion från någon annan. I en sådan definition blir sändarens intentionalitet viktig.
Men för många är kommunikationsbegreppet otydligt och ganska brett. Det används i många olika sammanhang och ofta synonymt med andra mänskliga beteenden. Medan vissa teoretiker/praktiker inkluderar sändarens intention att åstadkomma en viss effekt som kriterium för kommunikation, menar andra att allt som påverkar någon annans beteende är att betrakta som kommunikation. Givet kommunikationens interdisciplinära bakgrund finns det ett hav av mer eller mindre erkända definitioner. Här nere har jag samlat ett litet urval som visar variationen. De flesta definitionerna har sina rötter i 1950/60-talets intensiva forskning kring kommunikation.
För att bringa lite reda i oredan har jag delat in definitionerna i tre olika typer: (1) definitioner som fokuserar på kommunikation som den process genom vilken vi (medvetet eller omedvetet) påverkar varandra, (2) definitioner som fokuserar på kommunikation som den process genom vilken vi överför information från en plats till en annan, och (3) definitioner som fokuserar på kommunikation som den process genom vilken vi skapar mening och är mer inspirerade av semiotiken. Självklart är vissa definitioner mer inkluderande än andra, och i vissa fall är de tre kategorierna överlappande; några av definitionerna innefattar till exempel både överföring av information och modifiering av andras beteenden.
Hur ser du på kommunikation?
Definitioner av kommunikation med fokus på effekten
Communication is all of the procedures by which one mind can affekt another. (Weaver, 1949; Shannon and Weaver, 1963)
In the main, communication has as its central interest those behavioural situations in which a source transmits a message to receiver(s) with conscious intent to affect the latter’s behaviour. (Miller, 1966)
From a communication point of view, the event may be observed in the employment of symbols (act), under specific circumstances (scene), by an individual or individuals (agent), using selected media (agency), for defined ends (purpose). (Babcock,1952)
Communication is the process by which an individual (the communicator) transmits stimuli (usually verbal) to modify the behaviour of other individuals (the audience). (Hovland et al., 1953)
Communication does not refer to verbal, explicit, and intentional transmission of messages alone… the concept of communication would include all those processes by which people influence one another. (Ruesch and Beteson, 1961)
Human communication is the eliciting of a response through verbal symbols. (Dance, 1967)
Communication is the form of interpersonal exchange through which, figuratively speaking, persons can come in contact with each other’s minds. (Newcomb et al., 1965)
Communication is the mechanism by which power is exerted. (Schachter, 1951)
Definitioner av kommunikation med fokus på överföringen av information
Communication means that information is passed from one place to another. (Miller, 1951)
Communication among human beings is the art of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes from one person to another. (Emery et al., 1963)
Communication is the transmission of information, ideas, emotions, skills, etc., by the use of symbols words, pictures, figures, graphs, etc. It is the act or process of transmission that is usually called communication. (Berelson and Steiner, 1964)
Communication is the transmission and interchange of facts, ideas, feelings, and courses of action. (Brown, 1961)
Communications may simply be defined as the flow of information and ideas from one individual to another. (Cullen, 1951)
Communication is a social process involving the phases of encoding, sending, medium, receiving, and decoding. (Haney, 1960)
Communication is not a one-way transmission but a two-way dialogue transaction. (Johannesen, 1971)
Definitioner av kommunikation med fokus på meningsskapandet
Communication is the generation of meaning. (Richard)
Communication is the management of messages for the purpose of creating meaning. (Lawrence et al.)
Communication is the process by which we understand others and in turn endeavor to be understood by them. It is dynamic, constantly changing and shifting in response to the total situation. (Andersen, 1959)
Communication is a process that makes common to two or several what was the monopoly of one or some. (Gode, 1959)
Communication is social interaction through symbols and message systems. (Gerbner, 1966)
Communication cannot be understood except as a dynamic process in which listener and speaker, reader and writer act reciprocally, the speaker acting to provide direct and indirect sensory stimulation of the listener; the listener acting on the stimulation by taking it in, investing it with meaning by calling up images in the mind, testing those images against present information and feelings and sooner or later acting upon those images. (Martin and Anderson, 1968)
Communication is the sharing of experiences, observable as the extent to which the response of a generator and perceiver (both of which are necessarily living organisms) are systematically correlated to a referent stimulus. (Goyer, 1970)
Communication arises out of the need to reduce uncertainty, to act effectively, to defend or strengthen the ego. (Barnlund, 1962, about a meaning-centered philosophy of communication)
All behavior is communication. (Wilden, 1972, in Semiotica)
2 svar Följ diskussionen: "När man ser flera definitioner så här blir det tydligt att begreppet används på olika sätt. Som någon forskare har sagt: Kommunikationsbegreppet säger mer om personen bakom än om kommunikationens kärna...."